Monday, January 31, 2011

ended up in the urgent care last night. after 9 hours of chest pains i decided to go in. was there for three hours and then went home with nothing done but a chest xray and some blood tests. while there my heart was skipping a bunch and pounding but there wasnt much pain. and of course the second i left my chest was filled with the stabbing agony i had all day. honestly it hasnt stopped. I went into work today and took it easy. luckily it was an easy day. Still hurts like crazy.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

I dont know if my ability to feel the pains more now that before is because they are getting worse or my pain threshold is getting worse. but after 9 hours i am still having major pains and irregular arrhythmia i am heading to the urgent care. Breathing is harder and i want to sleep like now.
Debating the ER trip. Not sure if it will help or if they will just send me home again?
When Is the time to go to the emergency room?? i dont want to go and have them tell me "oh this doesnt mean anything for you"
home early from church. in too much pain to be in public and not cry
Even my arm hurts. Its almost like its cramping
I never cry from pain. Today that's not true. I am in soo much pain I can't help but cry.
Still labored breathing. Makes me want to curl into a ball. Feels like I could close my eyes and sleep very easily
Hearts adding a beat this morningg plus its pounding like crazy. Feeling very tired and worn out
OOOWWW! lots of pain right now. sternum feels like theres a knife going out from in

Saturday, January 29, 2011

There's a pain making breathing hurt. Also making me kinda nauseous
feels like pressure building and building, its tolerable but not comfortable
fluttering big time this morning. no real pains sofar but its still early

Friday, January 28, 2011

Ahh the pain returns. Its the uncomfortable pressure pain definitely not feeling ok

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Lots of pains today. Basically a constant today. Not counting it as an awesome day :(
My ribs feel like someone is pushing from the inside out
Lots of sharp pain happening. Hurts to breath. Ugh
A lot of tightness in my chest right now. Still kinda shaky
Burning sensation ontop of other symptoms is making me feel even worse
Heart pounding so hard I can't sit still. Its rather annoying. Still short of breath and feeling somewhat nauseous.
Feeling shaky. Light headed. Short of breath and my heart is pounding and beating irregularly.
Pain that is radiating from my chest to my arms.
Very short winded today. Could barely make it through circle time singing today. Strange tightness in my chest too.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Pain deep in my chest kinda making me feel nauseous
Feels like I'm being pinched from the inside.
A feeling somewhere between a burning pain and a stabbing pain deep in my chest is hurting me.
Heart pounding making anything but shallow breaths impossible
Tightness under and around my sternum. Not horrible just noticeable
Lounging in bed getting ready to sleep and my heart is pounding. Feels like its gonna jump out of my chest

Monday, January 24, 2011

there is slight pressure under my bones.. not horrible but not fun either
Strange kind of burning pain in the center of my chest its almost like breathing through a hole. Kinda.
It seems like I have had this pain forever tho I know its only been like a few hours. The center of my chests is killing me. There are days I wish people could just hold my hand and know how much pain is pouring through my bones and my chest
Already very worn out today.
You know that kind of pain that hurts soo much that you want to throw up? That's kinda how I have been feeling for the last half hour. Nothing I can do will help it. Its days like these I wish something would numb the pain.
Tightness and pressure in center of chest for like the last 10 minutes. Causing shortness of breath?? Yes
Fluttering in chest. Short of breath
Very sharp pain in entire area. Very painful. Took my breath away
A hot and cold feeling radiating in the front with sharp pains coming from the front and the back. Not entirely painful but uncomfortable

Sunday, January 23, 2011

hearts still pounding irregularly but my breathing is doing ok for now. I have had a few sharp pains in random areas but im ok right now
Hearts pounding so much I can see my chest moving. These are the nights just breathing is hard

So Much Pain!

Sometimes i wish i could crack my chest open just to relieve the tension. It almost feels like my heart is too big to fit and is trying to push its way out. SSSOOO much pain!
Cramping spread across the chest very uncomfortable at the moment. Shallow breathing and lots of stretching happening. Just can't get comfortable.
At times it helps not to breath for a bit. To hold that pain at a certain amount of pain.. An amount that hurts but hurts just enough to my make living unbearable
Pains start under the sternum and switch sides. Pain that hurts not just annoys
A few quick pings of pain under the sternum. Followed by a pain that seamed to melt slowly

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Sharp pains again.. quick jabs. that along with the pounding is throwing off my night. It makes me tired and uncomfortable.
Tonight My heart is pounding. just sitting here the pounding alone moves my body to its beat, it takes my breath away but doesn't hurt.

My Diagnosis

I was born with this.. for as long as I remember there has been a pain in my chest. I was born with Pulmonary Stenosis and had my heart worked on 3 times to fix it. But in the last year or two my cardiologist noticed new developments what weren't there before. Things that I had noticed but didn't really realize at first that it was a new symptom. I have been diagnosed with Tricuspid regurgitation and aortic aneurysm which is basically my valves are sucking back a little bit of the bad blood and that the walls of my Aorta are thin and need repairing.
In march we have a meeting planned with my cardiologist and my pediatric cardiologist to make sure all the info is there and to see what can be fixed. There has been talk of either two minimal surgeries or one big one where everything gets fixed at one.. I'm voting for the second option.

The Beginning

Tonight my heart hurts.. My chest hurts. It’s the kind of pain you cant just ignore.. for years I have been dealing with chest pains.. Hiding the hurt and anguish.. But recently, literally in the last 5 months the pain has been sometimes unbearable. Stabbing pain, throbbing, irregular beats and aching in the muscles and bones and caverns in my heart. The pains last from 1-2 minutes to hours upon end. They measure from the lightest ping to the stabbing unbearable pain that takes my breath away. Nothing I can do will help with the pain, yes some times I take pain killers to take the edge off but nothing really takes the pain away. Stretching and twisting helps in small spurts but again is only a momentary solution to my problem.

The pain Radiates between a single point or wide areas that feel like I'm being stepped on. It can be a burning feeling or the feeling of someone jabbing me with a sharp spike. It hurts on different side, in the back in the front. It can hurt in the center or off to the side. mostly it happens just to the side of my sternum. When my chest hurts it sometimes sends sharp pains into my arms that seem more like a cramp than anything.