Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Beginning

Tonight my heart hurts.. My chest hurts. It’s the kind of pain you cant just ignore.. for years I have been dealing with chest pains.. Hiding the hurt and anguish.. But recently, literally in the last 5 months the pain has been sometimes unbearable. Stabbing pain, throbbing, irregular beats and aching in the muscles and bones and caverns in my heart. The pains last from 1-2 minutes to hours upon end. They measure from the lightest ping to the stabbing unbearable pain that takes my breath away. Nothing I can do will help with the pain, yes some times I take pain killers to take the edge off but nothing really takes the pain away. Stretching and twisting helps in small spurts but again is only a momentary solution to my problem.

The pain Radiates between a single point or wide areas that feel like I'm being stepped on. It can be a burning feeling or the feeling of someone jabbing me with a sharp spike. It hurts on different side, in the back in the front. It can hurt in the center or off to the side. mostly it happens just to the side of my sternum. When my chest hurts it sometimes sends sharp pains into my arms that seem more like a cramp than anything.

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